📄️ 预测市场
预测市场是公开交易的市场,其交易的是关联资产 的未来潜在不同的结果。 预测市场的目的是要从各种独立行为者那里收集到的信息。 许多研究表明预测市场具有优于如民意调查等其他方法更准确的预测能力。 其原因是他们 要求在市场交易的行为者(也称为 提供消息的人)在游戏中占有 股份,并允许他们在正确预测未来 结果时获得利润。同时如果他们的预测不正确,他们就有可能遭受损失。
📄️ Liquidity
The liquidity of a market describes how quickly an asset can be traded on the market at a reasonable market price. Illiquid markets tend to suffer from large price fluctuations when large amounts of assets are bought or sold and are slow to execute trades. Liquid markets, on the other hand, experience only insignificant changes in price from trades and can execute trades quickly.
📄️ 使用 Zeitgeist 的市场
Zeitgeist 上的资产和市场
📄️ Governance
📄️ Decentralized Court
Zeitgeist implements a decentralized court to handle disputes that may arise in the resolution of prediction markets outcomes.
📄️ Futarchy
"Vote on values, but bet on beliefs"
📄️ Comparisons
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is "How does Zeitgeist compare to other prediction markets?". This documentation aims at answering this question in the most objective, and technically focused way possible. Of course, since you're reading this on Zeitgeist's own documentation, some bias does exist.
🗃️ 应用教程
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